Saturday, 29 September 2012

Week 3

Tutorials started this week, and with the first quiz out of the way, we're moving on to well-ordering. I found the quiz easy, and I like that we take the time to go over the tutorial problems and answer questions before we right the quiz.

I missed parts of lecture this week because I showed up late to class, so I don't fully understand well-ordering. The theory seems simple but I have not practiced any problems with well-ordering myself, so I will be sure to do that next week. We also did more examples with mathematical induction this week.

What I find interesting is that many problems, including some on the assignment, can be solved using either complete induction or mathematical induction, or even some other form of induction according to the professor. At first I thought each theory only worked for certain types of problems, but in the end they are all following the same basic concept (induction) with a different approach and equation.

I'm also happy about the fact that all of the formulas we learned so far are not hard at all to remember. I find it helpful to understand what the formula actually means or is trying to prove as a way of remembering it.

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