Saturday, 20 October 2012

Week 6

This week we continued learning time complexity and unwinding to develop general equations for time complexity, but with more complicated problems. We applied these concepts to merge sort, and we also learned a new concept; the master theorem.

So far the master theorem is one of my favourite concepts in this course because it allows you to determine the time complexity by plugging in values into a formula, and these values are easy to determine as well. It's times like these when I am extremely grateful for the people who came up with these formulas and short cuts to solving problems, but it also amazes me at the fact that they developed these formulas. I also wonder how they came up with them and how much time it required.

Our quizes from last week were returned this week, and I did well on last week's quiz although I was a bit unsure about the material we learned last week. I spent some time reading about the concepts and now I am more familiar and comfortable with these concepts. I think I did well on this week's quiz as well.

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